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Notes:For authors' last names beginning with "A", type "A" or use the first 3 letters of their last name.
The country search uses full English names, e.g. The Netherlands, except for USA and UK and gives the country of the University only, not nationality of author or subject of their research. Dates given are the date of award of the degree and can be searched for one year at a time. The title search is limited to words used in the title, it does not provide a keyword or subject search facility. The searches are for one word only, no boolean (multiple) searches are supported.

Results of Search:

Sarah Meller (2018) 
Painting, Geography, and the Body: Charting the First Two Decades of Mary Corse’s Art
PhD, Hunter College, City University of New York, USA

Sarah Creagan (2018) 
Dear Diary: Musings from an Invisible Mixie
MFA, Hunter College, City Unversity of New York, USA

Rachel Devorah Wood (2018) 
Resonant Sonic Specificity
PhD, University of Virginia, USA

Hayley Jay Brandon (2018) 
Shrill, Needy, Incomplete: Listening to melancholic feminist voices in contemporary sound practices
MFA, Monash University, Australia

Tracey Dawn Lamb (2018) 
Constructing a Feminist Practice
MFA, Monash University, Australia

Diana Juanpere Dunyo (2018) 
Narratives en femení a la dècada dels setanta a Catalunya. Anàlisi comparativa del pensament feminista català i les pràctiques artístiques d’Eugènia Balcells, Eulàlia Grau i Fina Miralles
MA, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain

Talita Trizoli (2018) 
Atravessamentos feministas: um panorama de mulheres artistas no Brasil dos anos 60/70; Feminist crossings: a panorama of women artists in Brazil from the 60s/70s
PhD, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil

Rebecca Kimball Shanahan (2018) 
Performing and Documenting Post-Internet: Feminist Needlecraft and a Poetics of Surveilling
PhD, University of Sydney, Australia

Nikolina Holjo (2018) 
To step outside the frame : Nakedness, nudity, feminism and criticism of three performances in the 1960’s and 1970s
PhD, Uppsala University, Sweden

Laura O'Connor (2018) 
Warped Mirrors: Contemporary Representation of Women on Screen
PhD, University of Ulster, UK

Elina Suoyrjo (2018) 
See me, feel me, touch me, heal me: working with affect, emotion, and creation of transformative energies as a feminist curatorial practice
PhD, Middlesex University, UK

Alexandra Antoniadou (2018) 
Realisations of performance in contemporary Greek art.
PhD, Edinburgh University, UK

P. van Beek (2018) 
Self-surveillance: performing the plurality of my feminine experience of self.
MA, RMIT University, USA

Suzanne van Rossenberg (2018) 
Towards a transdisciplinary model for social change : feminist art research, practice and activism
PhD, Middlesex University, UK

Miranda Niittynen (2018) 
Un/Dead Animal Art: Ethical Encounters Through Rogue Taxidermy Sculpture
PhD, University of Western Ontario, Canada

Nikolina Höljö (2018) 
Att kliva utanför ramen : Nakenhet, feminism och kritik av tre performanceverk från 1960- och 70-talet
BA, Uppsala University, Sweden

Abigail Shapiro (2018) 
Ree Morton and feminist installation art: 1968 - 1977
PhD, McGill University, Canada

Magalie Latry (2018) 
Confrontations artistiques et féministes aux hiérarchies du genre
PhD,  Université Michel de Montaigne - Bordeaux III, France

Althea Greenan (2018) 
Feminist Net-work : digitization and performances of the Women's Art Library slide collection
PhD, University of Brighton, UK

Mair Wendelin Culbreth (2018) 
Transactional Bodies: Politics, Pedagogies, and Performance Practices of the San Francisco Bay Area
PhD, Ohio State University, USA

Jane Dunlop (2018) 
How we are together : generosity and dissonance in internet-situated performance art.
PhD, University of Brighton, UK

Tamara Ondine Elisabeth De Szegheo Lang (2018) 
Contagious History: Affect and Identification in Queer Public History Exhibitions
PhD, York University, Canada

Gillian Turner Young (2018) 
Telepresence: Joan Jonas and the Emergence of Performance and Video Art in the 1970s.
PhD, Columbia University, USA

Emily Watlington (2018) 
Pretty gross : aestheticized abjection in feminist video art, 1996-2009 ; Pipilotti Rist, Marilyn Minter, and Mika Rottenberg

Arshi Irshad (2018) 
Contribution of female painters in Indian contemporary art
PhD, Indira Kala Sangeet Vishwavidyalaya , India

Gregory da Silva Balthazar  (2018) 
Corpos que ardem : ética e feminismos nas artes visuais
PhD, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

Amanda Roberts (2018) 
Re: drawing : Reconfiguring a feminist response to life drawing practiice / Amanda Roberts.
PhD, University of Wales Trinity Saint David., UK

Isadora Maríllia de Moreira  Almeida (2018) 
Mulheres artistas: apontamentos sobre perspectivas e experimentações possíveis
MA, Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (UFJF), 

Diane Sbardelotto  (2018) 
Fotodobragens, moldes e repetições para um corpo continuar
MA, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

Larissa Rachel Gomes Silva (2018) 
Da Porcelana aos trapos: bonecas e mémorias femininas no processo de poíesis
MA, Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Brazil

Flaviana Benjamin dos  Santos (2018) 
Poéticas de Si: Autobiografia como estratégia artística de subversão das mulheres
MA, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil

Melina Garcia  Gorjon  (2018) 
Os ventos do norte não movem moinhos: arte contemporânea e feminismos descoloniais/decoloniais
MA, Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) , Brazil

Nathalia Muswieck GRILL . Pelotas, 2018. (2018) 
Anônimas: encontros com artistas mulheres como disparador da poética. Orientadora. Nádia Cruz Senna
MA, Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Brazil

Tomás Emilio Pontigo Marín (2018) 
La Ley 21.045 a la luz de una visión contemporánea de los derechos fundamentales, el derecho a la cultura y el arte
Licenciada en Artes Visuales, Universidade de Brasília , Brazil

Valentina Castillo Mora (2018) 
Memorias (des)bordadas : el bordado como máquina de escritura para una expresión feminista
Licenciada en Artes Visuales, Universidad de Chile , Chile

Myfanwyn E. Ryan (2018) 
Matrilineal performance-to-camera : exploring maternal aesthetics and the frame
PhD, Loughborough University, UK

Rose-Anne Sophia Gush (2018) 
Figuring Austria's repressed violence : artistic labour of the body in the work of Elfriede Jelinek and VALIE EXPORT
PhD, University of Leeds, UK

Mandakini Devi (2018) 
Mirroring the self : developing representational strategies for lens based art
PhD, University of Gloucestershire, UK

Emily Johnson (2018) 
BA, Sydney College of the Arts, Australia

Allegra Holmes (2018) 
BA, Sydney College of the Arts, Australia

Pamela Joyce Lane (2018) 
Eirene Mort: Artist, Artisan and New Woman
MPhil, Australian National University, Australia