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Notes:For authors' last names beginning with "A", type "A" or use the first 3 letters of their last name.
The country search uses full English names, e.g. The Netherlands, except for USA and UK and gives the country of the University only, not nationality of author or subject of their research. Dates given are the date of award of the degree and can be searched for one year at a time. The title search is limited to words used in the title, it does not provide a keyword or subject search facility. The searches are for one word only, no boolean (multiple) searches are supported.

Results of Search:

Nicole Riedmuller (2020) 
Material Instincts: Ruminations on Motherhood and Craft
MA, University of Lethbridge, Canada

Alyssa Logie (2019) 
Trauma, Creativity, And Bearing Witness Through Art: Marian Kołodziej's Labyrinth
MA, University of Western Ontario, Canada

Abigail Shapiro (2018) 
Ree Morton and feminist installation art: 1968 - 1977
PhD, McGill University, Canada

Miranda Niittynen (2018) 
Un/Dead Animal Art: Ethical Encounters Through Rogue Taxidermy Sculpture
PhD, University of Western Ontario, Canada

Tamara Ondine Elisabeth De Szegheo Lang (2018) 
Contagious History: Affect and Identification in Queer Public History Exhibitions
PhD, York University, Canada

Danielle Taschereau Mamers (2017) 
Settler Colonial Ways of Seeing: Documentary Governance of Indigenous Life in Canada and its Disruption [Nadia Myre, Cheryl L’Hirondelle, Christi Belcourt]
PhD, University of Western Ontario, Canada

Katharine Stein (2017) 
Creative Metamorphoses: Early Experimentation with Digital Technology in the Works of Sarah Jackson and Elizabeth Vander Zaag
PhD, Concordia University, Canada

Heidi Kellett (2017) 
Skin Portraiture: Embodied Representations in Contemporary Art
PhD, University of Western Ontario, Canada

Julie Hollenbach (2017) 
The Social Practice of Crafting: Gender, Class, and Race in Western Craft
PhD, Queens University at Kingston, Canada

Verushka Lieutenant-Duval (2016) 
Entre reconduction de la tradition et émancipation prétendument libératrice : la représentation des pratiques sexuelles véhiculée par le flot d’images diffusées en Occident durant la « Révolution sexuelle »
PhD, Concordia University, Canada

Marie Traficante (2016) 
Sensing the Image :Embodied Art Criticism
MFA, Ontario College of Art and Design, Canada

Laura Josephine O'Brien (2016) 
“Artful Vandals”: Urban Interventions, Street Art and Spatial Feminisms
MA, Concordia, Canada

Liisa Graham (2015) 
The Spence Bay Project: Inuit representation, social engagement, and feminist pedagogy in the photographic work of Pamela Harris
MA, Ryerson University, Canada

Amy Wing-Hann Wong (2015) 
Rhythm and the Monstrous: A Diary Manifesto for Oil Painters
PhD, York University, Canada

Sabrina Maiorano (2015) 
Représentation du sadomasochisme lesbien en art contemporain : genres et sexualités féministes queer dans les oeuvres des artistes Del Lagrace Volcano, Catherine Opie et Tejal Shah / mémoire présenté comme exigence partielle de la maîtrise en histo
MA, University Quebec a Montreal, Canada

Kelly Grant (2015) 
MA, Saint Mary's University, Canada

Anna Khimasia (2015) 
At Play in the Archive: Reading Sophie Calle's Double Game as Autofictional Remains
Phd, Carleton University, Canada

Elida Schogt (2014) 
Beside Oneself: Towards a Participatory Feminist Art Practice
PhD, York University, Canada

Danielle Leroux (2014) 
Forgotten Relations: Revisiting Papergirl Vancouver’s Feminist and Social Practice Art Roots
MA, Simon Fraser University, Canada

Jacqueline Witkowski (2014) 
Ever present, never presented : Suzanne Lacy, feminism, and quilting
MA, University of British Columbia, Canada

Darcie Kennedy (2014) 
Women's Work as Painting Practice
MFA, University of Ottawa, Canada

Erin Ashley McCarthy (2014) 
MatriART: Feminist Genealogy and Life Teaching in Art Education
MA, Concordia University, Canada

Brooke Zeligman (2014) 
Material murmurings
PhD, Edith Cowan University, Canada

Amanda A. Oppedisano (2014) 
MFA, University of Western Ontario, Canada

Gabriela Aceves Sepúlveda (2014) 
Mujeres que se visualizan : (En)gendering archives and regimes of media and visuality in post-1968 Mexico
PhD, University of British Columbia, Canada

Sally Jean McKay (2014) 
Repositioning Neuroaesthetics Through Contemporary Art
PhD, York University, Canada

Laura MacArthur (2014) 
Re-viewing Reception: Criticism of Feminist Theatre in Montreal and Toronto, 1976 to Present
PhD, University of Toronto, Canada

April R Mandrona (2014) 
What can we make with this? Creating relevant art education practices in rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
PhD, Concordia University, Canada

Sylvie Simonds (2014) 
A countercultural movement: examining Carolee Schneemann's kinetic theatre between 1963 and 1970
PhD, McGill University, Canada

Corinne Thiessen Hepher (2014) 
Some nerve: invisible debilitations, explosive restraint and the in-valid
MA, Lethbridge, Canada

Olivier Vallerand (2014) 
Making homes, building identities: queer subversions of domestic space, 1994-2014
PhD, McGill University, Canada

Ania Wroblewski (2013) 
La vie des autres. Sophie Calle et Annie Ernaux, artistes hors-la-loi
PhD, Université de Montréal, Canada

Catherine Siermacheski (2013) 
Not so fragile: an ethnography of women glass blowers in western Canada
PhD, University of British Columbia, Canada

Erin Silver (2013) 
Sites unseen and scenes unsighted: histories of feminist and queer alternative art spaces, ca. 1970-2012 (New York, Los Angeles, Montreal)
PhD, McGill University, Canada

Julie Hollenbach (2013) 
Comfort/Discomfort: Allyson Mitchell's Queer Re-Crafting of the Home, the Museum, and the Nation
MA, Queens University, Canada

Lauren J. Johnson (2013) 
Shifting Focus: a Videographic Inquiry of Hope and Unplanned Pregnancy
PhD, University of Alberta, Canada

Lisa Michelle Mortimore (2013) 
Embodied ways of knowing: women’s eco-activism
PhD, University of Victoria, Canada

Kim Rondeau (2013) 
Où en sommes-nous avec l'art féministe? : analyse de la programmation de la Centrale Galerie Powerhouse (1973-1978 et 2007-2010).
MA, UQAM, Canada

Sara Savignac-Rousseau (2013) 
La stratégie ironique comme militance féministe : le cas des Guerrilla Girls, des Fermières Obsédées et de Dana Wyse.
MA, UQAM, Canada

Reeanna Bradley (2013) 
ARTivism : gender and artistic expression at AWAC
MA, Northern British Columbia, Canada

Thea A. Yabut (2013) 
Lines of Necessity (Kara Walker)
MA, University of Western Ontario, Canada

Fatma D. Dogus (2013) 
Voices of Female International Graduate Students: Feminist Arts-Based Study at University of Victoria Graduate Students' Society
MA, University of Victoria, Canada

Jacqueline Claire Vischer (2013) 
A Salute to Feminine Utopia: Part One Feminist Manifestos and Utopian Fiction and Part Two Cwenaland an Odyssey
MA, Université de Montréal, Canada

Gina  Cortopassi (2013) 
Regard critique sur le techno-corps dans la série La réincarnation de Sainte-ORLAN
MA, UQAM, Canada

Paula Cameron (2012) 
Seamfulness: Nova Scotian Women Witness Depression through Zines
PhD, University of Toronto, Canada

Durga de Silva (2012) 
Along the pricked line
MFA, University of Manitoba, Canada

Lysanne Duguay-Patenaude (2012) 
La mise en relief du caractère construit et normatif de la figure féminine dans les images de mode de Cindy Sherman par l'utilisation de stratégies du grotesque
MA, UQAM, Canada

Katrine Couvrette (2012) 
Le graffiti à Montréal: pratique machiste et stratégies féminines
MA, UQAM, Canada

Valerie Pineau (2012) 
Au-delà de la controverse, la série Immediate family de Sally Mann: l’«image pensive»comme outil d’analyse de la photographie contemporaine
MA, UQAM, Canada

Noni Brynjolson (2012) 
Community, Conflict, Difference: New Genre Public Art in Winnipeg.
PhD, Concordia University, Canada

Alisdair MacRae (2012) 
Joane Cardinal-Schubert: aboriginal Woman Artist
MA, Carleton University, Canada

Tessa Elizabeth Jordan (2012) 
Branching Out, 1973--1980: Canadian Second-Wave Feminism, Periodical Publishing and Cultural Politics
PhD, University of Alberta, Canada

Dorothy Woodman (2012) 
Bodies and texts, spaces and borders: women re-envision breast cancer
PhD, University of Alberta, Canada

Laura Wyper (2012) 
R.A.G.E. Reflections on Acts of Gendered violence and our Educational lives
MA, University of Toronto, Canada

Zulis Yalte (2012) 
The Song of the Soul: transforming Disabling Illness Through Art
M.N., University of Victoria, Canada

Catherine Margaret Mastin (2012) 
Beyond "the Artist's Wife": Women, Artist-Couple Marriage and the Exhibition Experience in Postwar Canada
PhD, University of Alberta, Canada

Sonya I Ocampo-Gooding (2012) 
The Sheela-na-gig: An Inspirational Figure for Contemporary Irish Art
MA, Concordia University, Canada

Dossa Shama (2012) 
Re(art)iculating Empowerment: Cooperative Explorations with Community Development Workers in Pakistan
PhD, University of Toronto, Canada

Nane Ariadne Jordan (2011) 
Inspiriting the academy: weaving stories and practices of living women's spirituality
PhD, University of British Columbia, Canada

Andrée-Anne Pellerin (2011) 
La dimension phénoménale du corps dans la performance des années 1970 à 1980
MA, UQAM, Canada

Audrey Laurin (2011) 
La production de discours autour de l'oeuvre et de l'artiste Tracey Emin
MA, UQAM, Canada

Mylene Joly (2011) 
Le rapport à soi, la relation à l'autre : les pratiques artistiques de Nan Goldin et de Pina Bausch, entre identité et devenir.
MA, UQAM, Canada

Heather Davis (2011) 
Art That Loves People: Relational Subjectivity in Community-based Art
PhD, Concordia University, Canada

Majorie Dufort-Cuccioletta (2011) 
Les affiches politiques américaines durant la guerre du Vietnam : le Art Worker's Coalition et l'affiche Q. and babies? A. and babies
MA, UQAM, Canada

Amanda Espezel (2011) 
Working from the Body : subjectivity and the Artistic Process
MFA, Lethbridge, Canada

Danielle Coghlan (2011) 
Unsettling sensations: Trauma in the lives and works of four Canadian artists
MA, York University, Canada

Aram Siu Wai Collier (2011) 
Cake and Dumplings
MFA, York University, Canada

Leah Fontaine (2011) 
Spirit Menders :the Expression of Trauma in Art Practices by Manitoba Aboriginal Women Artists.
MA, University of Manitoba, Canada

Vivian Chan Simao (2010) 
Women Artists' Books :in a Bind, a contemporary response to Nu Shu.
MA, York University, Canada

Jill L. Carter (2010) 
Repairing the Web: Spiderwoman's Children Staging the New Human Being
PhD, University of Toronto, Canada

Laura Endacott (2010) 
The Mother Image
MA, Concordia University, Canada

Patricia Ho (2010) 
Identity, displacement and embodiment in women's independent cinema : Julie Dash, Rea Tajiri et Trinh T. Minh-ha
PhD, UQAM, Canada

Julie Gratton (2010) 
Louise Bourgeois dans le réseau de ses interprétations
MA, Université de Montréal, Canada

A. St-Jean Aubre (2009) 
Ancrage territorial et mobilité : conceptualisation et représentation de l'identité dans le travail de Rebecca Belmore et de Jin-me Yoon.
MA, UQAM, Canada

Elizabeth Gomez (2009) 
Voice and identity in contemporary Canadian art : perspectives on vocality and representation
PhD, McGill University, Canada

Patricia Killoran-Quill (2009) 
Literary excavations: the text-based art of Brigitte Radecki
MA, Concordia University, Canada

Marilyne Lafrenaire (2009) 
Les représentations de la femme dans l'œuvre scénique de Diane Dufresne, 1975-1984
MA, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Canada

Catherine Ann Laird (2009) 
Redressing femininity: power and pleasure in dresses by Jana Sterbak and Cathy Daley
MA, Carleton University, Canada

Gabrielle Trepanier-Jobin (2009) 
Représentations alternatives de la subjectivité féminine dans le cinéma féminin québécois
MA, UQAM, Canada

Shannon Byrnes (2009) 
Art and story : an art therapy program for women who have experienced breast cancer
MA, Concordia University, Canada

Alexandra S Anber (2009) 
Louise Bourgeois's provisional stitches: an examination of Bourgeois's production of subjectivity, materialized
PhD, Concordia University, Canada

Kelly Jaclynn Andres (2009) 
Desiring machinations of Matertekhnologi
MA, Lethbridge, Canada

Bethany J. Osborne (2009) 
The learning of embattled bodies: Women political prisoners of Iran
MA, University of Toronto, Canada

Shannon Byrnes (2009) 
Art and Story: An art therapy program for women who have experienced breast cancer
MA, Concordia University, Canada

Alicia Chantelle VanDeWeghe (2009) 
Making my bed : Tracey Emin's hysterical confessions of the abject.
MA, Ryerson University, Canada

Marjorie Gignac (2009) 
La pertinence du Judson Dance Theater pour l'histoire de l'art : études des liens formels, théoriques et historiques entre la danse et les arts visuels lors de la période de...
MA, UQAM, Canada

Dina Vescio (2009) 
Surveillance and spectacle in webcam-based artworks: "Eyes of Laura" by Janet Cardiff and "Homecammers -- Women" by Cheryl Sourkes
MA, Concordia University, Canada

Renata Butryn (2008) 
Art therapy and eating disorders : introducing feminist post-structuralist perspectives
MA, Concordia University, Canada

Milena Tomic (2008) 
Rituals and repetitions : the displacement of context in Marina Abramovic's Seven Easy Pieces
MA, University of British Columbia, Canada

Chloe Clarce (2008) 
Entre deux mondes: métissage, identité et histoire: sur les traces de Sonia Robertson, Sylvie Paré et Rebecca Belmore ou les parcours artistiques de trois femmes artistes autochtones, entre la mémoire et l'audace
MA, UQAM, Canada

Rachel S. Loewen Walker (2008) 
Becoming queer : from rhetoric to rhizomes and toward a politics of process.
MA, University of Saskatchewan, Canada

Genevieve Fullum-Locat (2008) 
L’esthétique relationnelle: une étude de cas: les actions artistiques de Sylvie Cotton
MA, UQAM, Canada

Renata Butryn (2008) 
Art therapy and eating disorders: Introducing feminist post-structuralist perspectives
MA, Concordia University, Canada

Rachel Deutsch (2008) 
Rebelling against discourses of denial and destruction: Mainstream representations of Aboriginal women and violence; resistance through the art of Rebecca Belmore and Shelley Niro
Thesis (M.S.W.), University of Toronto, Canada

Karen Miranda Augustine (2008) 
Paradise jacked: primitivism, disidentification & feminist cultural practice
MA, York University, Canada

Kristy Arlene Holmes (2008) 
Negotiating the Nation: The Work of Joyce Wieland 1968-1976
MA, Queens University, Canada

Heather Michelle Veltman (2007) 
Girls and their body image: sociopolitical issues in art education
PhD, Concordia University, Canada

Melany Bisson (2007) 
Éthique du devenir sujet femme: le sacré aux frontières de la jouissance
PhD, Université de Montréal, Canada

Sandrine  de Finney (2007) 
It's About Us! : racialized minority girls' transformative engagement in feminist Participatory Action Research
PhD, University of Victoria, Canada

Julie Lafrenaire (2007) 
Les inscriptions vestimentaires comme support identitaire dans le travail de Jana Sterbak et de Vanessa Beecroft
MA, UQAM, Canada

Pamela Jean Brett-MacLean (2007) 
Art(ists) in the making: Exploring narratives of coming to art in later life
PhD, University of British Columbia, Canada

Amanda Boetzkes (2007) 
Beyond perception : the ethics of contemporary earth art
PhD, McGill University, Canada

Juliana Saragosa (2007) 
Autobiography and self-portrait as resistive form in queer moving-image
MA, Simon Fraser University, Canada

Nicole Elaine Anaka (2006) 
Women on the verge, sounds from beyond: extended vocal technique and visions of womanhood in the vocal theatre of Meredith Monk, Diamanda Gala's, and Pauline Oliveros
MA, University of Victoria, Canada

Julie Nagam (2006) 
Re-inventing art practices: Indigenous women artists building community through art and activism in rural and remote Manitoba
MA, University of Manitoba, Canada

Claudia Fournier (2006) 
Revisioning body image as experienced by five women artists and in my own art practice
MA, Concordia University, Canada

Julia Skelly (2006) 
No strangers to beauty: contemporary black female artists, Saartje Baartman and the Hottentot Venus body
MA, McGill University, Canada

Cynthia Roblin (2005) 
Crossfire : gender, cyberfeminism and World Wide Web visual culture
MA, Concordia University, Canada

Julie Lavigne (2005) 
L'art féministe et la traversée de la pornographie: érotisme et intersubjectivité chez Carolee Schneemann, Pipilotti Rist, Annie Sprinkle et Marlene Dumas
PhD, McGill University, Canada

Rachel Lauzon (2005) 
Le corps comme lieu de questionnement de la notion d’identité dans le travail de Rineke Dijkstra et deVanessa Beecroft
MA, UQAM, Canada

Andrea D. Fitzpatrick (2005) 
Approaching the dying and the dead: an analysis of contemporary, lens-based artworks and the potential for ethical intersubjectivity
PhD, McGill University, Canada

Carol Beer Houpert (2005) 
Female body and identity: a critical reflection into the art of mid-life
MA, Concordia University, Canada

Ariane de Blois (2005) 
La voix dans les promenades audio de Janet Cardiff : étude de cas d’une utilisation renouvelée de la voix acousmatique
MA, UQAM, Canada

Annie  Berube (2004) 
La réappropriation comme simulacre: emprunt de conventions iconiques mangas dans le travail de Mariko Mori, Lee Bul et Takashi Murakami
MA, UQAM, Canada

Brandy Michelle Wiebe (2004) 
Radical ambivalence: examining poststructural subjectivities
MA, University of Alberta, Canada

Irmela Agnes Dmytruk (2004) 
The manichaean body : Rebecca Belmore's art making in the context of socially responsive activist art
MA, Concordia University, Canada

Vicki Chase (2004) 
The female body turned inside out
MA, Carleton University, Canada

Vicki Chase (2004) 
The female body turned inside out
MA, Carleton University, Canada

Chrystie Myketiak (2004) 
Corrupting the discourse: cyberfeminist praxis
MA, Dalhousie University, Canada

Elizabeth Groeneveld (2004) 
Exploring silences
MA, Trent University, Canada

Michele Hardy (2004) 
Embroidering at the edge: Mutwa women and change
PhD, University of British Columbia, Canada

Barbara Bickel (2004) 
From artist to A/r/tographer : an autoethnographic ritual inquiry into writing on the body
MA, University of British Columbia, Canada

Samita Nandy (2003) 
Theorizing kineticism in cyberbodies: embodiment and sexuality in the technological culture of cyberspace
MA, York University, Canada

Eileen Ophelia Harris (2003) 
Female visual artists' perspectives on creativity and creative talent development : obstacles and opportunities
PhD, University of Ottawa, Canada

Carolyn G. Guertin (2003) 
Quantum feminist mnemotechnics: the archival text, electronic narrative and the limits of memory
PhD, University of Alberta, Canada

Jacqulyn Kolodiejchuk (2003) 
The voiceless mouth: orality in postmodern feminist body art (Janine Antoni, Jenny Strauss)
PhD, Concordia University, Canada

Michele Wright (2003) 
Power suits her: An arts-based portrayal of women and power
MA, McGill University, Canada

Emily Alice Griffith (2003) 
Three women's formative experiences in art: Amalia Mesa-Bains, Miriam Schapiro and Jaune Quick-to-See Smith
MA, Concordia University, Canada

Heather Anderson (2003) 
Contemporary Canadian Women's Performance Art: Reading Postfeminism and Third-Wave Feminism
MA, Dalhousie University, Canada

Annie-Claude Banville (2002) 
La polysensorialité dans les environnements immersifs. étude d’installations de Charlotte Davies et Luc Courchesne
MA, UQAM, Canada

Lorrie Anne Miller (2002) 
Constructing voices : a narrative case study of the processes and production of a community art performance
MA, University of British Columbia, Canada

Sheena Gourlay (2002) 
Feminist/art in Quebec, 1975-1992
PhD, Concordia University, Canada

Heather Veltman (2002) 
Alternative art education : a feminist teaching experiment with college students.
MA, Concordia University, Canada

Heather Michelle Veltman (2002) 
Alternative art education: A feminist teaching experiment with college students
MA, Concordia University, Canada

Diane Collet (2002) 
Laughing my arts off: The origins of humour in my art
MA, Concordia University, Canada

Kathleen Loren Batstone (2002) 
Breaking the mould : cooking semiotics and heterogeneity
PhD, University of Manitoba, Canada

Janice Anderson (2002) 
Creating room: Canadian women's mural painting and rereadings of the public and the private
PhD, Concordia University, Canada

Lisa Coulthard (2002) 
Trauma talk : theorizing violence and victimization in contemporary performance
PhD, University of Toronto, Canada

Tamar Tembeck (2002) 
Corporéités transgressives: une étude féministe des représentations du corps chez trois artistes: Mona Hatoum, Kiki Smith et Marie Chouinard
MA, UQAM, Canada

Meera Sethi (2001) 
Critical art practices : the visual art of Jamelie Hassan, Sarindar Dhaliwal, and Jin-me Yoon
MA, York University, Canada

Terry Marie Therese Provost (2001) 
Profiles of the Black Venus: tracing the Black female body in Western art and culture, from Baartman to Campbell
PhD, Concordia University, Canada

Gwendolyn Marilyn Adams  (2001) 
Invisible scars : the feminist rhetoric of Valie Export
MA, University of British Columbia, Canada

Catherine Andrea Matysiak (2001) 
'Women in view': The evolution of local women's arts organisations in Canada
MA, Simon Fraser University, Canada

Yvonne Wiegers (2000) 
Matrix: Aspects of identity
MFA, University of Calgary, Canada

Pamela Ethel Patterson (2000) 
The self which enacts learning: a research with/through the Bay Area Artists for Women's Art (BAAWA)
PhD, University of Toronto, Canada

Shana MacGuire (2000) 
Deux perspectives sur le cinéma d'Agnès Varda: les approches cinématographiques et la femme vardienne
MA, Dalhousie University, Canada

Ernestine Daubner  (2000) 
Allegories of nature, culture, gender : dialogues with Marcel Duchamp's Etant donne's
MA, Concordia University, Canada

Anne Marie Nakagawa (1999) 
Culture, consumption and desire: Or the perversion of pink, plastic shoes
MA, University of Calgary, Canada

Jeanne Marie Schoenwandt (1999) 
Toward a feminist 'third space' : photographic 'sites' of cultural transformation
PhD, McGill University, Canada

Lori-Ann Beaudoin (1999) 
A cultural illness : women, identity and eating problems in Faith Ringgold's 'Change' series
MA, Concordia University, Canada

Susan Sinkinson (1999) 
The self as other: accessing issues of difference in Trinh T. Minh-Ha's 'Reassemblage'
MA, Concordia University, Canada

Alison Crossman (1999) 
Framing the quilt: historical and contemporary quilts of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia
MA, Concordia University, Canada

Manon Gosselin (1999) 
Supplément à l’oeuvre de Sherrie Levine 'After Alexander Rodchenko'
MA, UQAM, Canada

Julie Lavigne (1999) 
L’érotisme au féminin: étude de cas dans l’oeuvre de Geneviève Cadieux, Jeanne Dunning, Judie Bamber, Jana Sterbak et Helen Chadwick
MA, UQAM, Canada

Manon Paiement (1999) 
Les femmes artistes et les collections d’oeuvres d’art des entreprises québécoises
MA, UQAM, Canada

Marjan Eggermont (1998) 
Notes on the body : a written accompaniment to the thesis exhibition
MA, University of Calgary, Canada

Jayne Wark (1997) 
The radical gesture: feminism and performance art in the 1970s
PhD, University of Toronto, Canada
See also by same author, Radical Gestures (Canada: McGill Queens University Press, 2006)

Abby Weinberg (1997) 
Identity politics in Canadian artwriting : C Magazine and Parachute, 1983-1996
MA, Concordia University, Canada

Ann-Janeck Lapin (1997) 
Monique Voyer: artiste, pédagogue et animatrice en arts visuels
MA, UQAM, Canada

Maura Lesley Broadhurst (1997) 
Strategic spaces : towards a genealogy of women artists' groups in Canada
MA, Concordia University, Canada

Marilyn Irene Grabinsky (1997) 
Constructed Knowledge
MA, University of Calgary, Canada

Renee Baert (1997) 
Poetics of the body in feminist art : three modalities
PhD, McGill University, Canada

Bronwen Cunningham (1997) 
A creative cooking course for the woman artist: Sexual violence and the politics of representation in the visual arts
MA, York University, Canada

Teresa Ann Bradbury (1997) 
Textured imprints : images, social change, and cultural memory
MA, University of Toronto , Canada

Tanya Lenan Titchkosky (1997) 
The primacy of between-ness: a hermeneutics of marginality and art
PhD, York University, Canada

Jayne Wark (1997) 
The radical gesture: feminism and performance art in the 1970s
PhD, University of Toronto , Canada

Lara Lackey (1997) 
Pedagogies of leisure: considering community recreation centres as contexts for art education and art experience
PhD, University of British Columbia , Canada

Joanne McNeal (1997) 
Western Arctic women artists' perspectives on education and art
PhD, University of British Columbia, Canada

Michelle Rosenberg (1997) 
Rupturing the skin of memory: bearing witness to the 1989 massacre of women in Montreal
PhD, University of Toronto, Canada

Alison Catherine Pryer (1997) 
Tales of power : the healing narratives of Judy Chicago and Jo Spence
M.Ed, University of Western Ontario, Canada

Maria Lundin (1997) 
Spiral/translation/skin : an aesthetic history of the incomplete video image
MA, University of Western Ontario, Canada

Kenn Gardner Honeychurch (1996) 
Inside out/outside in: sexual diversity : a comparative case study of two post-secondary visual art students
PhD, University of British Columbia, Canada

Alice Ming Wai Jim (1996) 
Black women artists in Canada: a documentation and analysis of the 1989 exhibition "Black wimmin--when and where we enter"
MA, Concordia University, Canada

Anna Kaay (1996) 
Pornography, feminism and seditious sex talk
MA, University of Western Ontario, Canada

Jennifer Fisher (1996) 
Aesthetic contingencies: relational enactments in display culture
PhD, Concordia University, Canada

Georgina Miriam Cooley (1996) 
Who is this self I'm supposed to be expressing?: narrative inquiry into the art of learning and twelve women visual arts students
PhD, Concordia University, Canada

Anne-Marie Garceau (1996) 
Perception des éléments naturels dans une oeuvre d’Ann Hamilton: tropos
MA, UQAM, Canada

Marjorie May Anderson (1995) 
Beyond gender: the affirmative feminism of four female artists of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries
PhD, University of Manitoba, Canada

Marcy Goldberg (1995) 
Aesthetics and actuality: documentary film and the everyday
MFA, York University, Canada

Michelle Hardy (1995) 
A phenomenological approach to women, craft, and knowledge: the embodied embroiderer in India
MA, University of Alberta, Canada

Gordon Roe (1995) 
An Ethnography of artists' models
MA, University of Western Ontario, Canada

Cindy Stelmackowich (1995) 
Generating a new interdisciplinary feminist framework for contemporary Canadian women's art : the critical practices of Renee Baert and Joan Borsa
MA, Carleton University, Canada

Janice Anderson (1995) 
Closed systems : Alexandra Luke, Hortense Gordon and the Canadian art history canon.
MA, Concordia University, Canada

Josephine Mills (1994) 
Theoretical play in a field of desire: a road map for negotiating a space of lesbian/feminist subjectivity, complete with ; key to explain signposts; glossary of local terms and phrases; recommendations for the best places to dine; annotated directions
MA, University of Ottawa, Canada

Sylvie Tourangeau (1993) 
L'art de la performance - l'art du changement
MA, UQAM, Canada

Jessica Bradley (1993) 
Postmodern bodies and feminist art practice
MA, McGill University, Canada

Margot Leigh Butler (1992) 
Their feet fell cleanly on either side, and she, between them?
MA, Simon Fraser University, Canada

Shannon Bell (1992) 
Reading, writing and rewriting the prostitute body
PhD, York University, Canada

Sue Melnychuk (1992) 
Confirming claims and investigating identities : Frida Kahlo and American feminism in the late 1970s
MA, University of British Columbia, Canada

Christine Louise Conley (1992) 
Daughters in exile : negotiating the spaces of the avant-garde; Christiane Pflug and Joyce Wieland
MA, Carleton University, Canada

Janice Helland (1991) 
The `new woman' in fin-de-siècle art: Frances and Margaret McDonald (sic)
PhD, University of Victoria, Canada

Michelle Calvert (1991) 
The body as topos: the discursive mapping of the feminine subject in selected works of Canadian art and literature
PhD, Carleton University, Canada

Michelle Millard (1991) 
An analysis of the critical discourse on the work of Eva Hesse
MA, McGill University, Canada

Wendy Schissel (1991) 
The keepers of memory: Canadian mythopoeic poets and magic realist painters
PhD, University of Calgary, Canada

Lise Gagnon (1990) 
Regards sur l'identité, le féminisme et la photographie
MA, UQAM, Canada

Beth Seaton (1990) 
Delegation and depiction: the textual authorities of photographic criticism
PhD, Concordia University, Canada

Carol Bigwood (1989) 
The holding sway : towards a feminist ontology through philosophy and art
PhD, York University, Canada

Catherine Crowston (1989) 
Making art/making theory: on the relationship between theory and art in the work of Mary Scott
MA, York University, Canada

Allison Thompson (1989) 
A worthy place in the art of our country: the Women's Art Association of Canada, 1887-1987
MA, Carleton University, Canada

Barbara Weir Huber (1989) 
Feminism, Manitoba Artists for Women's Art and art education a woman-centred examination of the learning experience in the mentor program of M.A.W.A
PhD, University of Manitoba, Canada

Ann Kathleen Banning (1988) 
Exceeding the frame : implications of excess in two films by Joyce Wieland
MFA, York University, Canada

Sorel Cohen (1979) 
Feminist art in the '70s
MFA, Concordia University, Canada